*English version is below.
株式会社JTOWER(代表取締役社長:田中敦史、本社:東京都港区、以下「JTOWER」)は、総務省「令和3年度 交通信号機を活用した第5世代移動通信システムネットワークの整備に向けた調査検討」事業に、事業実施コンソーシアムの構成企業の一社として参画いたします。
■実施背景 ~ 5Gネットワークの効率的な整備と信号機の集中制御を目指して
■JTOWERの取組 ~ インフラシェアリングの活用で設備の軽量化、投資の軽減にも貢献
出所:警察庁「5Gネットワークの構築に交通信号機を活用するための調査研究 報告書」を基にJTOWER作成
称号 :株式会社JTOWER(ジェイタワー)
設立 :2012年6月
本社所在地 :東京都港区赤坂8-5-41
代表取締役社長 :田中 敦史
URL :https://www.jtower.co.jp/
JTOWER participates in study and research of 5G networks development utilizing traffic signals
JTOWER will utilize Infra-Sharing to develop 5G networks and unify the contact points between related parties as a third-party organization
JTOWER will participate in “Study and Research for the Development of 5G Network Utilizing Traffic Signals in FY2021” project promoted by Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications as one of the consortium members. In addition to developing 5G networks utilizing Infra-Sharing, we will contribute to the execution of efficient study and research by playing the role of unifying contact points between related parties as a third-party organization.
■Background - Aiming for centralized control of signals and efficient development of 5G networks
5G is a new communication method with high-speed, high-capacity, and low latency. Because of its radio frequency profile, it is required to install a larger number of base stations and build dense networks than 4G, and securing locations for 5G base stations is an issue. On the other hand, in traffic signals, only about 30% of the approximately 208 thousand units nationwide managed by prefectural police departments are centrally controlled. In addition, many of the networks for centralized control are using telephone lines, causing heavy maintenance and operation costs. Against this backdrop, Cabinet Secretariat (currently Digital Agency), Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, and National Police Agency have been promoting the study of “Development of 5G Networks Utilizing Traffic Signals" as part of “Public/Private R&D Investment Strategic Expansion PrograM (PRISM)” since FY2019.
■Our initiatives - Utilization of Infra-Sharing contributes to the reduction of equipment weight and investment
As one of the consortium members, we are responsible for “The verification of the installation of 5G base stations including shared use among several mobile network operators” and “The verification of the functions and roles of the third-party organization through demonstration tests” in Tokyo and Akita areas.
In “The verification of the installation of 5G base stations including shared use among several mobile network operators”, we will install 5G Infra-Sharing equipment and antennas at intersection points to develop 5G networks. By utilizing Infra-sharing, we aim to contribute to reduce mobile network operator’s investment costs, while realizing the simplification and lighter weight of equipment installed onto traffic signals.
In addition, in “The verification of the functions and roles of the third-party organization through demonstration tests” as the third-party organization taking a part in the installation of base stations, we will take on the role of coordinating installation works with a wide range of related parties, such as mobile network operators, prefectural police, and road managers, and unifying the contact points for various projects. In this way, we will verify the efficiency of operations in the installation of base stations.
As the leading company of Infra-Sharing, JTOWER boasts the largest number of installations in Japan. In recent years, we have begun full-scale provision of 5G indoor Infra-Sharing solutions in order to contribute to the development of a broader network and we have launched new outdoor Infra-Sharing businesses, such as tower sharing in rural areas and smart poles mainly in urban areas, strengthening our operational structure.
In this project, we will contribute to the digitization of society by leveraging the know-how and achievements we have cultivated so far, aiming to establish the model to solve social issues.
[The Image of 5G Infra-Sharing by JTOWER]
[The image of functions and roles of the third-party organization taking a part in the installation of base stations onto traffic signals]