国立大学法人京都大学・名古屋工業大学発スタートアップ企業であるAGREEBIT株式会社(本社:愛知県名古屋市、代表取締役:桑原英人)は、AIによる議論・合意形成を支援する世界唯一の新サービス 「D-Agree(ディー・アグリー)」をグローバルテスト展開を開始。 「アフガニスタンからの米軍撤退」をテーマ立てし、市民から『アフガニスタンの今』が分かる、多くの声が集まっています。
■アフガニスタン市民の ”今” ・”生の声”
●ディスカッションルーム (どなたでも閲覧が可能です)
■D-Agree ディスカッションルームでの実際の声抜粋
Women and current situation in Afghanistan
Afghan women doesn’t resile to the past.
By the evaluation of current political, cultural, social and economic situation in Afghanistan, there is all focus on afghan women. World think about black period of Taliban, whole world think about the repetition once again. But Afghan women won’t give up once again. Whole world should understand that there is lots of different between afghan women on 1995-2000 and now.
Afghan women made the half body structure of afghan society, they are most strong than before. They are Doctors, engineers, teachers, also we have entrepreneur women, we have women in national army and police, and they are struggle with men together.
We have to work for gender equality and women empowerment more and more, for a peaceful and build up Afghanistan.
Afghanistan needs global support
Especially in this critical situation where all the provinces of Afghanistan are in a difficult situation and every day one of the provinces will dominate by the Taliban. The World Organization must reach this critical situation. Support and help Afghanistan so that our country can return to normal. and now in Herat the situation is trouble and All the people are terrified. We are going through difficult times and I wrote this article with all my heart.
Withdrawal of US troops
US withdrawal from Afghanistan, is a new chapter for Afghanistan and for Afghan People to show to the world their abilities in defending their country against Taliban for their safety and Freedom, because no one (Country) can always fight for others safety or freedom (Afghanistan), and the biggest example for my Words is US in Afghanistan (from 2001 until 2021). as Mr. Biden Sayed the Afghanistan situation is not belongs to us it's belongs to Afghanistan people, now this is the time for Afghanistan people to decide what they want.
In my opinion, it is better for us or our country and also our people for several reasons.
At first, we can continue our life with our legs independently. Secondly, we can play the role of an independent member of a united natations in the world. Lastly, we can frame the personality of our country in the world. to sum up we can say it is very important that we can stand on our legs and secure our country from all extremist groups.
AIによる議論・合意形成を支援する世界唯一の新サービス ”D-Agree”
AI・集合知研究において国際的権威者である伊藤孝行(京都大学大学院情報学研究科教授、情報処理学会フェロー等)研究室の研究成果をもとに開発。国際特許(国際出願番号 PCT/JP2019/31183)を取得しております。
AGREEBIT株式会社は、国立大学法人京都大学・名古屋工業大学発スタートアップ企業です。AI・エージェント開発/分析事業や、AI に関連する人材教育事業を手がけております。
持続可能な世界を実現するため AI エージェント技術を社会に提供し、世界の課題、国の課題、地域の課題、企業の課題などの解決への貢献を目指してまいります。
代表取締役/CEO:桑原 英人
資本金:11,650,100円 ※資本準備金含む(2021年3月現在)