25th April, ACCEL DEMODAY#1@THE GREAT ROOM (Singapore)
【Followed by English translation】4月26日THE GREAT ROOM (シンガポール)にてACCEL DEMODAY#1が開催されます。
TECHFUND - Peaske Kawahara and Yuta Matsuyama, co-founders and CEOs of TECHFUND Inc. (http://techfund.jp/) announced that they will be holding the "ACCEL DEMODAY" in Singapore in April 25, 2019. TECHFUND launched the new corporate brand " ACCEL" to enrich the blockchain communities and contribute to both start-ups and investors in blockchain industry around the world.
Demoday details
Date and Time: Thursday, April 25, 2019, 18:00-21:30
Address: 1 George St, Level 10, Singapore 049145
Dress code: No dress code required
Participation fee: Free for invitation only (Buffet style & free drinks)
Apply to: 10 Startups(to be accelerated), 30 Institutional investors, 10 Media
★ Blockchain night in Singapore and upcoming next $1B unicorns!
★ Startups and investors sharing session.
★ Networking - Meet the startups /investors/ media!
★ Free drink and food!
・18:00-18:30 Registration
・18:30-18:45 Welcome Speech - by the CEO of TECHFUND Inc.
・18:45-19:30 Blockchain Startup Pitch Session
・19:30-21:30 After Party + Networking
Pitch speaker
Numundo https://numundo.org
It is a platform which has gathered various co-villages such as eco-villages, organic farms, permaculture centers, retreat centers and social projects, in every region (in short, a hippy version of Airbnb). One can book any accommodation facilities or activities offered in any of these communities online. As of March 2019, 780 co-villages and 67 activities in every part of the world can already be booked. Payment through this platform will issue tokens that carry the special feature of being able to receive special, preferential treatment by voting for the communities or maintaining ownership, and we will be implementing fundraising through these tokens. For more than 7 years up to now, David Casey himself has been affiliated with various communities, mostly in Latin America, and has carried out activities to support these communities. Since 2013 he has been CEO and has supervised a broad range of aspects of the business, from development to recruitment to the management of the entire organization etc.
BEXAM https://bexam.io
It is a protocol development project that has adopted Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAG) which are expected to solve scalability problems in blockchains.
In Japan, we are progressing mainly on support provision and development directed toward giving proof-of-concept and commercial viability for large corporations, and are already in talks with several major corporations. We are preserving the non-centralized authoritarian rule of blockchains while answering the needs of corporations by having the management core being committed mainly to business development as we progress with its introduction, support etc. Our CEO Mr. Sakaori, has already been involved in a different ICO project in the past, and has a wealth of business experience in the blockchain industry as well as experience in working overseas for a long period of time, therefore he knows how to approach clients both inside and outside the country.
Ethersecurity http://etherinc.co
It is a start-up business that provides cloud mining services mostly on NEM. Several engineers who are influential and well-known in Japan's blockchain community are affiliated with it and we are progressing with development directed to catering services to several blockchains in the future, such as Ethereum and COSMOS. We stress the importance of usability and customer support, We continually put our efforts into development towards improving convenience by expanding its functions, the currencies that can be accepted etc, and at the same time, we anticipate its future use in Enterprise as well so we plan to implement fundraising so that we can proceed with business operations. There are cases when it is a framework with high switching costs due to the special features of the service, It is an emerging company with a low churn rate of its existing users and is foreseen to grow with the development of all types of blockchains. Our founder, Mr. Kamon, was originally a software engineer for CyberAgent, Inc. and due to his skill in development has become the team's strength.
Dnatix http://dnatix.com
It is a blockchain platform project which implements the storage, management and transfer of Israeli DNA data and where Mr. Ofer Lidsky, who holds more than 30 years of experience as a software engineer in the medical industry, is the CEO. Our goal is to implement data management while preserving anonymity. It will be a challenging project in the medical industry which is said to be compatible with blockchains. It is a project handled by a team with a wealth of experience in the medical and security fields.
Chelpis https://www.chelpis.com
It is a project that is doing development and custodial work on hardware wallets that can be a measure against quantum computers.
Among the members of the Rainbow team, which is said to be experts in cryptography, is Dr. Doug Cheng, a Harvard graduate and currently a professor in the National Taiwan University and CTO Ming-Shing Chen who has published papers at the same university.
We provided custodial work for the CoolWallet S (a hardware wallet) of the Coolbitx company, and already have $300K in annual sales. We have just heard from tokyostarbank (Taiwan CTBC bank) and others about their needs. We have also exhibited in this year's CES.
Participating Investor
・Global Brain (Crypto Institutional Investor)
・OKEx (Exchange)
・CoinBene (Exchange)
And so on.
Our vision is “Be an entrepreneur” From our establishment on October 9th, 2014 (Tech Day) , we support start-ups in terms of technology, making us call ourselves as TECHNOLOGY ACCELERATOR. We have launched the world's first platform supporting start-ups through “technology investments(*1)”, having executed investment in six companies. In addition, . we give advice for 250 teams.
In 2018, we support ICO/STO start-ups, through our new program “ ACCEL PROGRAM for ICO/STO” and offering “ACCEL Baas (Blockchain as a Service)”.
※1 Technology Investment: An investment method that aims to invest technology instead of money which, in return, assumes equity. Also referred to as “Sweat Equity” overseas.
Organizer Profile
Company name: TECHFUND Pte.Ltd. (ACN 201900181D)
Capital stock: $ 1.2 million
Co-Founder: Yuta Matsuyama, Peaske Kawahara
Address: 1 George St, Level 10, Singapore 049145
E-mail: info@techfund.jp
TEL: +81-3-6407-9645 (TECHFUND Inc. Information)
Service Website : http://accel-program.io
Website : https://techfund.jp
Official Facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/techfund.inc
株式会社TECHFUND(代表取締役 川原 ぴいすけ、松山 雄太)は2019年4月25日にシンガポールにてACCEL DEMODAYを開催することをお知らせ致します。ブロックチェーンコミュニティのスタートアップと投資家その両方を対象としたこのイベントは、世界中の分野をサポートしています。当日はACCELPROGRAMを勝ち抜いた最終選考チームによるプレゼンテーションが開催されます。
・日時:2019年4月25日 18時から21時半
・住所:1 George St, Level 10, Singapore 049145
「起業家をメジャーな職業にする!」と言うビジョンの元、2014年10月9日テックの日に立ち上がったTECHNOLOGY ACCELERATOR。お金の代わりに技術を投資する「技術投資(*1)」によってスタートアップを支援する世界初の技術投資ファンドとしてACCEL PROGRAM(旧:SUNRIZE PROGRAM)を実施し、250チーム以上のメンタリング及びデューディリジェンスに携わり、6社への技術投資を実行。翌年からは上場企業向けのアクセラレータープログラム「ACCEL PROGRAM(旧:SUNRIZE PROGRAM) for BIZ」を提供開始、30社以上のイノベーション創出に貢献。
2019年現在はブロックチェーン及びトークンオファリングプロジェクトを支援するアクセラレータープログラム「ACCEL PROGRAM」の運営と、ブロックチェーンスタートアップ及びエンタープライズのブロックチェーンアプリケーション開発を"加速"させる「ACCEL BaaS(Blockchain as a Service)」の開発・提供をしている。
※1 技術投資:お金の代わりに技術を投資し、その見返りとしてエクイティを引き受ける投資手法。海外では"スウェットエクイティ"と呼ばれている。
所在地:東京都渋谷区神宮前4-22-7 AURA表参道 202
Official Facebook Page:https://www.facebook.com/techfund.inc