
kamilas4am raised in pre-seed round | プレシードラウンドにて国内外のエンジェル投資家を中心に2400万円の資金調達を実施


Kamilas4am, a company helping small business market in social media raised $170,000 in pre-seed

縦型ショート動画のマーケットプレイスを提供するKamilas4am(本社:愛知県名古屋市 、代表取締役Co-CEO堀真輔、取締役Co-CEO Millicent Dumalaog)は、複数の国内外のエンジェル投資家を中心としたJ-KISSを用いた資金調達に加え、日本政策金融公庫から総額2400万円の資金調達を実施しました。 調達した資金は、プロトタイプの開発と、スモールビジネスをサポートするための人材に充てられます。 Kamilas4am, which produces short-form videos for small business owners, has raised $170,000 in pre-seed from angel investors and debt financing. The funds raised will be used to develop the first prototype and hire new members of the team to support the small business of the platform.



With a mission of “creating a world where people can earn a living pursuing their passion”, kamilas4am is producing short-form videos for small businesses through the help of our network of 400 performer creators. By far, Kamila has produced 200 videos in the platform.

なぜショート動画が必要なのか Why Short form videos are necessary for SMBs


The average test-user of Kamila continues to use the platform for average of 6 months. As they continue to use Kamila, the videos produced for small business attract viewers and produced new clients and nurture old ones for small business owners. One of the first test users of kamila has reported a 5% increase in sales and 10% reduction in ad cost.
As the pandemic forced the digitalization in South East Asia,, small business owners needed to catch up and be present in social media. Without social media activity, the small business owners will not have enough sales to sustain the company.
These small business have no time to produce videos for their contents so they either find freelance service providers or high professional studios and agencies to produce their video contents.
Freelancer service, unfortunately, requires a lot of trial and error before a business owner can find a right supplier. Professional service, on the other hand, requires a huge fee - fee that small business owners cannot shoulder.
This is where Kamila comes in. Kamila is the first one in South East Asia to focus on the video production aspect. Kamila provides value to SMB by keeping the price at an affordable level by working with amateur performer creator and by keeping the quality by making sure that kamila is in between of the transaction.
By solving the content creation problem of small business, kamilas4am can help generate more sales lead for them .
In estimate, Kamila sees that there might be around 20,000,000 people in South East Asia who might be interested in our service.
Based on this data, kamilas4am will conquer the Philippines first - their homecoard advantage, and then expand in South East Asian countries. At the end of 2022, kamilas aiming to onboard its first 100 paying clients.

採用ページオープン!Hiring page is Open!

We are looking for people who are passionate to work with us to make it happen. We are Japanese based company but we use English as the common language in the company, you will have no problem to communicate with team. We are actively looking for interns who want to directly work with CEO.
Apply from here↓

- Customer support & Operation manager
- Data analysist
- Softward Developer

If you want to sign up for our performer creators join here.

事前申し込み募集中 Now we are looking for testimonials!


We are waiting for the alpha version to launch in September, and currently have a waiting list system that is limited to a few companies that apply in advance.
If you are interested, please apply through this link. If you are interested, please apply through this link and we will give you priority.

投資家からのコメント Comments from investors

山本 正真氏 (Chatwork株式会社 代表取締役CEO) Masaki Yamamoto (Chatwork Co., Ltd. CEO)

I have decided to invest in Kamilas4am as an angel investor because I share the worldview that Kamilas4am is aiming for. I myself am one of those who believe in the great potential of small business, having developed a business chat service for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). I believe that the size and type of pains are different between Japan and the Philippines, but I have high expectations for the success of the startup launched by Harry and Mimi, two young, talented, and passionate individuals who connect the two countries.

◆土岐泰之氏 (ユニファ株式会社 代表取締役CEO) Yasuyuki Toki (Unifa Inc. President)

I believe that with his start-up experience at Unifa, their global perspective with a focus on Asia, and the wonderful founding partners he has met, they will be able to solve social issues in Asia through business.


Blogapalooza’s mission is to #ElevateInfluence - empower creator communities. Since Kamilas4am shares the same vision with us, supporting them means we are certain that we can help move the needle for more companies, big and small alike. In this fast growing creator economy, it is important to remember that creators are, and will be, one of the primary drivers of growth of many companies. Organizations can work with creators by engaging them as creative partners, as media consultants, or even as spokespersons. It is important for any organization to consider working with creators and creator communities and consider them as partners for success.
Blogapaloozaのミッションは、「#ElevateInfluence - クリエイターコミュニティを強化する」ことです。kamilas4amの創業者二人は私たちと同じビジョンを共有でき、彼らをサポートすることは、大小問わず、より多くのビジネスの成長を手助けができると確信しています。これまでフィリピンを中心により多くのクリエイターに学習、成長、継続の機会を提供し、成功に導くことで、多くのクリエイターの最初の居場所としての地位を確立してきました。クリエイターエコノミーが急成長している今、多くの企業にとってクリエイターはますます成長の原動力となっていく中、kamilas4amと協業することで更なるインパクトをつくり出せると信じています。

代表者コメント Founder's comments

kamilas4am株式会社 代表取締役堀真輔コメント Comment of Harry, Co-CEO of kamilas4am

note : https://note.com/harrycambodia/n/n0189dcbcbb17

◆kamilas4am株式会社 取締役Millicent Dumalaogコメント Comment of Mimi, Co-CEO of kamilas4am
When I was building my own small business, I struggled too. After I learned how to use social media for my marketing., I was able to hire my own team. With the help of income she is getting from my small business, she was able to send her youngest sister to college. Her youngest sister is the first in the family to finish in college. This will give generational change for their family. This is the main motivation. This is why we want to work hard to grow kamilas4am. Our success means the success of other small business owners.
