Image from Dyson


私、ジェームズ ダイソンは、1988年に米国国立労働安全衛生研究所が発表した、ディーゼルエンジンからの排気ガスと実験用マウスおよびラットの早期死亡を関連付ける論文を読みました。1990年3月には私が発足したダイソンのチームは、自動車の排気システムに取り付け可能な粒子状物質を捕集するサイクロンフィルターの開発に着手しました。
1993年までに実用レベルの試作品を複数開発し、イギリスの『ブルー・ピーター(Blue Peter)』というテレビ番組において、初期段階の試作品が紹介されました。その後もチームは開発作業に邁進し、より高度な技術開発に取り組みました。
その間も一貫して私が目指してきたのは、世界的な大気汚染問題の解決策を見出すことです。数年前、自動車メーカーがその姿勢を変えようとしないことに気付き、私は新たなバッテリー技術の開発にダイソンとして力を注ぐことを決めました。電気自動車開発こそが大気汚染問題の解決策だと信じたからです。ダイソンは継続的にイノベーションの研究開発に取り組んできました。最新のデジタルモーターやエネルギー貯蔵システムは、ダイソン スーパーソニック ヘアードライヤーやコードレス掃除機の動力源となっています。さらに流体力学やHVACシステムの分野での絶え間ない技術革新により、扇風機、ファンヒーター、空気清浄機能付などの空調家電製品が生まれています。
ジェームズ ダイソン
A Dyson EV
In 1988 I read a paper by the UN national institute for occupational safety and health, linking the exhaust from diesel engines to premature death in laboratory mice and rats. In March 1990 a team at Dyson began work on a cyclonic filter that could be fitted on a vehicle's exhaust system to trap particulates.
By 1993 we had developed several working prototypes and showed an early iteration to british television programme Blue Peter. The team went to develop a much more sophisticated technology.
To our chogrin, nobody at the time was interested in employing our diesel exhaust capture system and we stopped the project. The industry said that 'disposing' of the collected soot was too much of a problem! better to breathe it in?
In the period since, governments around the world have encouraged the adoption of oxymoronically designated 'clean diesel' engines through subsideies and grants. Major auto manufactures have circumvented and duped clean air regulations. as a result, developed and developing cities are full of smog-belching cars, lorries and buses. It is a problem that others are ignoring.
Throughout, it has remained my ambition to find a solution to the global problem of air pollution. Some years ago, observing that automotive firms were not changing theire spots, I committed the company to develop new battery technologies. I believed that electrically powered vehicles would solve the vehicle pollution problem. Dyson carried on innovationg. The latest digital motors and energy storage systems power the Dyson Supersonic hair dryer and cord-free vacuum line. We've relentlessly in fluid dynamics and HVAC systems to build our fans, heaters and purifers.
At this moment, we finally have the opportunity to bring all our technologies together into a single product. Rather than filtering emissions at the exhaust pipe, today we have the ability to solve it at the source. So I wanted you to hear it direcly from me: Dyson has begun work on a battery electric vehicle, due to be launched by 2020.
We've started building an exceptional team that combines top Dyson engineers with talented individuals from the automotive industry. The team is already over 400 strong, and we are recruiting oggressively. I'm committed to investing 2 billion euro on this endeavour.
The project will grow quickly from here but at this stage we will not release any information. Competion for new technology in the automotive industry is fierce and we must do everything we can to keep the specifics of our vehicle confidential.
In London, nearly 9500 people die early each year due to long-term exposure to air pollution according to a study carried out by researches of King's Collage London. The World Health Organisation reports "in 2012 around 7 million people died - one in eight of total global deahes - as a result of air pollution exposure". It is our obligation to offer a solution to the world's largest single environmental risk. I look forward to showing you all what I hope will be something quite unique and better, in due course!
書いた人──盛田 諒(Ryo Morita)

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