~ 写真・動画付きクチコミでユーザーの求める価値ある情報を提供 ~
2013年12月06日 11時15分更新
~ 写真・動画付きクチコミでユーザーの求める価値ある情報を提供 ~
Venture Republic's Hotel.jp User Generated Reviews Surge over 300,000
An Increase in Hotel Reviews with Photos and Videos Improves User Satisfaction
株式会社ベンチャーリパブリック(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役社長:柴田啓 以下:ベンチャーリパブリック)が運営するホテル・宿のクチコミサイト『Hotel.jp(ホテル・ジェーピー)』(http://hotel.jp/)は、ユーザーから寄せられたクチコミの累計投稿件数が30万件を突破しましたのでお知らせいたします。
【ベンチャーリパブリック代表 柴田啓のコメント】
※「Android」は、Google Inc.の商標または登録商標です。
※「iPhone」は、Apple Inc.の商標です。
※iPhone 商標は、アイホン株式会社のライセンスに基づき使用されています。
<Hotel.jp (ホテル・ジェーピー)について>
ホテル・旅館の立地、施設情報はもちろん、実際に宿泊した人が投稿した写真や動画付きのクチコミを閲覧できるので、 客室の雰囲気や設備、アメニティグッズの内容などがよく分かります。
■ 株式会社ベンチャーリパブリック (http://www.vrg.jp/)
(本 社) 東京都港区西麻布4-3-11 泉西麻布ビル
(代表者) 柴田 啓
(設 立) 2013年8月1日
株式会社ベンチャーリパブリック 広報担当/橋迫・小池
TEL: 03-6419-2901 FAX: 03-6419-2904 Email:press@vrg.jp
Venture Republic's Hotel.jp User Generated Reviews Surge over 300,000
An Increase in Hotel Reviews with Photos and Videos Improves User Satisfaction
Tokyo, Japan—Venture Republic Inc. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Kei Shibata; hereafter “Venture Republic”) announced that Hotel.jp`s total number of user-generated reviews, including those with photos and videos, has surpassed 300,000.
The robust growth in hotel bookings made over the internet on devices like tablets and smartphones has seen an increased desire among consumers for user-generated reviews. They are becoming ever more important to people's hotel booking decisions.
These factors are part of how Hotel.jp, one of the largest hotel review sites in Japan, has managed to double its traffic (and more than triple its traffic via smartphones) in the past year. More and more of its new users are looking at reviews generated by other users, or posting their own reviews.
In November 2013, the total number of user-generated reviews on Hotel.jp surpassed 300,000. That represents a 60% increase y-o-y, and a 480% increase since 2011.
With so many reviews being posted with photos and videos, Hotel.jp is one of the premier places to research hotel bookings in Japan.
Hotel.jp's reviews are extremely varied, detailed and thoughtful. They provide insightful information to those looking to find the best hotels quickly and conveniently.
【Quote from Venture Republic Inc. CEO, Kei Shibata】
Today, the influence of online reviews on how users choose a hotel is bigger than ever. I am thrilled that we've reached this outstanding benchmark of 300,000 user reviews. Of course, it could not have been accomplished without our dedicated users.
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<About Hotel.jp>
Hotel.jp (http://hotel.jp/) is a user-generated online hotel review service that lets users post photos, videos and comments about the hotels they stayed in. Users can search hotels based on reviews and ratings, and they can also find deals and offers from multiple hotel agencies and accommodation suppliers.
About Venture Republic
Venture Republic operates vertical search engines and product review services, primarily in the area of travel. We help consumers to find, research and acquire the best deals online.
Travel.jp is Japan’s leading travel metasearch engine. It lets users search and compare tour packages and airfares from more than 200 online and offline travel agents across Japan.
Hotel.jp is a unique site featuring user-posted pictures, videos, and reviews of hotels;
it allows users to metasearch accommodations at over 28,000 hotels throughout Japan.
- Websites
Venture Republic Inc. http://www.vrg.jp/
Travel.jp http://www.travel.co.jp/
Hotel.jp http://hotel.jp/
- Press Contact
Email: press@vrg.jp
・『Hotel.jp』のクチコミ数 推移 / Transition (Hotel Reviews)
・写真・動画付きクチコミ / Reviews with Photos and Videos
・ホテル・宿選びのクチコミサイト『Hotel.jp』 累計クチコミ数が30万件を突破
・Hotel.jp User Generated Reviews Surge over 300,000