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Demonstration experiment on security token , regulatory and market research reports of each country

ベンチャーキャピタル事業およびSTO事業を展開するスタンダードキャピタル株式会社(本社 : 東京都渋谷区、代表取締役社長 : 山口大世)は、セキュリティトークンに関する実証実験および各国の法規制・市場調査を実施しましたので、ご報告いたします。

調査レポート URL:https://standardcapital.co.jp/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Legalpaper-3.0-EN.pdf


・CEZA DATO(Digital Asset Token Offering)法に関する詳細



           (CEZA CEO ラウル・ランビーノ長官 竹本直一IT政策担当大臣)

2020年1月4日には、竹本直一IT政策担当大臣とCEZA CEOのラウル・ランビーノ長官による会談が行われ、フィリピンおよびアジアにおける金融ビジネスの将来について議論が交わされました。



ALLEX still will play an influential role in helping to train Philippine blockchain developers in how to create security tokens. This Japan-Philippine technology and knowledge transfer is one of the economic benefits of having foreign back office support within CEZA.

引用:Japan and PH partner to make Asia a truly technologically advanced region / CEZA website( https://ceza.gov.ph/article/japan-and-ph-partner-make-asia-truly-technologically-advanced-region



Cagayan Special Economic Zone(カガヤン経済特区)を管理するCEZA(カガヤン経済特区庁)は、1995年2月24日に「Cagayan Special Economic Zone Act of 1995」として知られる共和国法第7922条によって設立された政府系特区庁です。フィリピン共和国ルソン島北部に位置し、政府機関から事前に承認されることなく、独立して申請を承認する法的権限を持っており、「CEZA Offshore Virtual Currency Exchange (OVCE) Licensees」の発行を行なっています。フィリピン政府はカガヤン経済区庁(CEZA)を通じてDATO (Digital Asset Token Offering)法を発表しました。 この規制によってCEZAがフィリピンにおける規制当局となり、Asia Blockchain and Crypto Association(ABACA)が自主規制機関(SRO)として規則の施行を支援しています。

代表者名:Ramon M. Lopez
所在地 :10th Floor Greenfield Tower, Mayflower cor. Williams Streets, Greenfield District, Mandaluyong City Philippines
設立 :February 24, 1995

■ セキュリティトークン取引所「ALLEX」について

セキュリティトークン取引所「ALLEX」は、プライベートエクイティ投資市場の流動性向上を目的に設立されたセキュリティトークン取引所です。セキュリティートークンの発行・管理・決済及び付随する業務をはじめとして、上場適格性に係る監査・各種業務の支援サービスを提供。投資家保護の観点を備えた、セキュリティトークン取引を「ALLEX」は実現し、今後は各国の法規制に対応した取引所システムの開発・導入を予定しています。1月6日より「ALLEX TOKEN」のSTOを実施しており、1月31日の本格始動を予定しています。


資金調達市場の流動性向上に向けて、STO(セキュリティ・トークン・オファリング)事業を展開。不動産STOシステム「J-FTA」、フィリピンの経済特区であるCEZA(Cagayan Economic Zone Authority)においてセキュリティトークン取引所「ALLEX」を2020年1月に開設。


代表者名:山口 大世
所在地 :〒150-0002 東京都渋谷区渋谷2-17-3 渋谷アイビスビル203
設立 :2018 年 11 月

■ 本件(ニュースリリース)に関するお問い合わせ先 ■

スタンダードキャピタル株式会社 広報部
電話:03-6805-1517 メールアドレス:info@standardcapital.co.jp

■ English Edition

Demonstration experiment on security token Regulatory and market research reports of each country

Standard Capital Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo; President and CEO: Taisei Yamaguchi) conducted demonstration experiments on security tokens and conducted regulatory and market research in each country.

【Summary of the survey (excerpt)】

・Examples of using security tokens in capital markets in Japan, the United States, China, Singapore, Indonesia, and Myanmar
・Utility of security token exchange in the US private placement market
・Usefulness of security token exchange in the capital markets of emerging countries
・Efforts on security tokens in each country and regulations
・Details on the CEZA DATO (Digital Asset Token Offering) method
・Use of security tokens to activate the Philippine capital market
・Future rules and regulations regarding security tokens

【General remarks】

This time, we examined the concept of security tokens (digitalization of securities) and examined the future legislation on security tokens, assuming a survey of capital market issues in each country. Various efforts are being made in each country regarding security tokens. It is important to understand its usefulness in light of the latest developments in capital markets and policies in each country. In the future, we will continue discussions with regulators and stock exchanges in each country on the international laws and regulations on cryptographic assets and security tokens, and will make efforts to strengthen the market.

Security token exchange "ALLEX" initiatives were posted on the CEZA (Cagayan Economic Zone Authority) website in the Philippines.

The meeting between Naokazu Takemoto, IT Policy Minister and CEZA CEO, Secretary of State Raoul Lambino, took place on January 4, 2020. The future of financial business in the Philippines and Asia was discussed.

"Need to establish clear regulations on crypto assets and security tokens" "Financial System Cooperation between Asian Countries" The meeting have received great response and have been reported in numerous Southeast Asian media.

The CEZA website and media reports also mention the security token exchange "ALLEX", which is said to play an important role in promoting security tokens in the Philippines.

ALLEX still will play an influential role in helping to train Philippine blockchain developers in how to create security tokens. This Japan-Philippine technology and knowledge transfer is one of the economic benefits of having foreign back office support within CEZA.

References:Japan and PH partner to make Asia a truly technologically advanced region / CEZA website( https://ceza.gov.ph/article/japan-and-ph-partner-make-asia-truly-technologically-advanced-region

“ALLEX” will continue to work on the spread of security tokens as a bridge between the Philippines and Asia and Japan.

■About CEZA (Cagayan Economic Zone Authority)

The CEZA (Cagayan Special Economic Zone Authority), which manages the Cagayan Special Economic Zone, is a government established on February 24, 1995 by the Republic Act Article 7922, known as the “Cagayan Special Economic Zone Act of 1995”.

The CEZA is located in the northern part of Luzon, Philippines, has the legal authority to approve applications independently without prior approval from government agencies, and issues “CEZA Offshore Virtual Currency Exchange (OVCE) Licensees”.

The Government of the Philippines has announced the DATO (Digital Asset Token Offering) Act through the Cagayan Economic Zone Authority (CEZA).

The regulation provides a regulatory authority for crypto assets in the CEZA or the Philippines and assists in enforcing the rule as the Asia Blockchain and Crypto Association (ABACA) or the Self-Regulating Authority (SRO).

Name of representative:Ramon M. Lopez
Location: 10th Floor Greenfield Tower, Mayflower cor. Williams Streets, Greenfield District, Mandaluyong City Philippines
Established:February 24, 1995

■ Security token exchange "ALLEX"

Security token exchange "ALLEX" is a security token exchange established to improve the liquidity of the private equity investment market. “ALLEX” will provide support services for listing eligibility, including security token issuance / management / payment and related services, as well as auditing and various services. "ALLEX" has realized security token trading with the viewpoint of investor protection, and plans to develop and introduce an exchange system that meets the laws and regulations of each country in the future. The "ALLEX TOKEN" STO has been implemented since January 6, and full-scale start on January 31 is planned.

■About Standard Capital

We are developing an STO (Security Token Offering) business to improve the liquidity of funds. We open the security token exchange “ALLEX” at CEZA(The Philippine Special Economic Zone) in January 2020.We are also working on the development of the real estate retail trading platform “J-FTA”.We are preparing to open security token exchanges in Chile and Indonesia as new stock exchanges, and working on legislation to contribute to the future development of financial markets in South America and Asian countries.Also provided legal support for the drafting of self-regulation by the Japan Security Token Operators Association and legal services for domestic STO

Name of representative: Taisei Yamaguchi
Location: Shibuya Ibis Building 203, 2-17-3 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0002
Established: November 2018
Capital: 343.9 million yen

■ Inquiries about this matter (news release) ■
Public Relations Department, Standard Capital Co., Ltd.
Phone: 03-6805-1517 E-mail address: info@standardcapital.co.jp






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