

2013年12月31日 01時42分更新


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Google社員のGary Illyes氏は、このサイトが"prescription drug information"や"prescription drug"などの似たようなアンカーテキストで大量にリンクを張っていることを指摘、これが PageRankの不正操作行為にあたるとしてガイドラインに違反すると指摘した。

Hi metamaster, In general the post from Amit you found can be applied on most of the situations, however you also want to read our Webmaster Guidelines, especially the section related to links: https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/35769 More specifically: https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/66356

After spending a few minutes trying to find issues I stumbled upon a bunch of links with the anchor text "prescription drug" and "prescription drug information" that are obviously placed for manipulating PageRank. As usual I don't know know who placed them there (it could have been your SEO), but I'd work really hard removing them. Good luck with your sites. [Gary Illyes, Google
Zurich, Switzerland, Site Has Unique Most Content (Lost Traffic a day from 700 visitors to 100 only), December 30, 2013]


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